How to order

  1. Add in the products in to cart with quantity
  2. Checkout your order shipping method.
  3. Submitted order will be proceed and finalize quantity and price at next working day. New invoice will be send by email.
  4. Check the order quantity and price, confirm order with click on "Pay Now" button.
  5. Login account if needed. reconfirm order and billing detail. scroll down to buttom screen and click on "Completer Order".
  6. In order update section, may key in phone number for status update by SMS.
  7. Bank in detail will be whatsApp and need to clear in 24hours.
  8. Account holder name itsΒ Β JS Resources Sdn Bhd .
  9. Order ready to pickup / ship will be update by email.Β 

Click to apply wholesale account
